Monday, June 22, 2009

This is a spot you can talk about what happened at tiki vent or just catch up with the guys

This is a spot you can talk about what happened at tiki vent or just catch up with the guys. talk about what ever you want this is only for the red shirts not any managers

1 comment:

  1. I don't Like the fact that we have to breathe in Smoke from cigaretees and can't even go for a smoke when we are on our meal. Also if we don't get a meal can't go out for a smoke either. I may be wrong but we are getting payed by hour and u are suposed to get a 15 min break after 4 hours. Don't like the fact that we have to hide our cell phones while the PoPo text all damn day. Give me a break. and last but not least we have to wait till friday at 3pm to get checks. Also we get no kinda food/drink discount. and when we go on meal its the same crap.
